miercuri, 10 noiembrie 2010

Secret Whispers IV

There's always a difference between doing things the right way and what you think that is the right way. I sometimes sit and wonder if we don't somehow mature to quickly. You know, you just finish highschool and then...leave. Some stay at home, study in their hometown and still benefit from having their parents close. I envy them sometimes. Honestly. As much as I sometimes hate to admit, I miss my parents. I miss not having someone bugging me all the time. I miss my room :)

What I originally was trying to say is that 19 isn't always the right age to just go out there and survive. Sometimes you get out there and you feel...lost. You start taking decisions that aren't always the best ones, and you don't know because there's no one there to tell you that.

Then comes the moment when you're being judged and it's the part that I hate the most. How the fuck can you judge someone who's just trying to find his/her way? Were you better? Were you more prepared on what to do by yourself?
Then why judge me? Why? It's annoying how you keep on pushing.

I learned that our generation is very loud, very theatrical. We usually don't back down, we don't give up, we don't get down. If we dow get down, we don't do it quietly. No. We let everyone know that we were there and we keep on screaming.
I like this attitude, this mentality, this persistance.

I also hate how it is implied that out there...you need to be just like all the others. Like bribing. I hate bribing. I think it's just disgusting. I feel sick whenever I hear about it. I hate how nowadays everybody in this country thinks it's perfectly okay to do that. We are all sick if we think that and we'll be continue to be the garbage of Europe if we carry on with this mentality.
There's no dignity left. No dignity.


A couple of days ago, a very popular man of culture passed away. Beyond all the pathetic interest that suddenly everybody has of him (it kinda'of reminds me of Michael or Madalina), there's also this manner of categorizing the man - the media calling him "the greatest after Eminescu" and all that and I don't agree. Because by calling him that and praising him for his influence in the "communism era" you just mock people who really opposed the system.
People who stayed in prison, people who died believing in what the man claims to have also fought for, while being very friendly to the system. I won't deny his talent, his writing skills or his cultural impact in the communism era. But in my opinion he was far from being a real anti-communist.
I think he also had some dignity issues. Maybe I'm being unfair, maybe not. Maybe I just don't know the whole story. Or maybe the truth is somwehere in the middle.

I just know this. Today, the present day, we lack dignity. We take shameful decisions and we aknowledge them as being fair. In the same time we take hits, we take criticism with no understanding from others. Only superiority. Where is this leaving us?

I'm not trying to express anything specifically, just trying to find some answers...


7 comentarii:

Andreea spunea...

Foarte bun postul, momentan mă bucur de vârsta mea, asta până o să ajung la 19 şi o să trebuiască să iau decizi. Îţi imaginezi că nu o să-ţi înţeleagă toată lumea postul nu?

GeminiGirl spunea...

I understand perfectly... The first part I mean. Eu am ramas singura acasa de la 16 ani, aveam doar o colega de apartament, apoi incepand de la 18 ani am ramas "all by myself", si a trebuit sa ma descurc. sincer, a fost intr-adevar greu in unele momente, dar fiind o fire libertina mi-a si placut. si da..am luat si decizii gresite, insa per total cred ca m-am descurcat destul de bine, si cred ca asta m-a maturizat intr-un fel care s-a observat de catre cei din jur. si am fost de multe ori laudata pt maturitate in gandire mult mai multa decat la alte persoane de varsta mea, si asta din partea unor persoane diferite, unele ce ma cunosteau de mai mult timp, altele ce abia ma cunoscusera. deci... hang in there! it´ll be ok!

Stephen G. spunea...

@Andreea, or sa inteleaga persoanele potrivite :)

@CrazyGeminiGirl, prima parte nu era in totalitate despre mine, mai mult despre ce am experimentat in ultimele zile si contacul cu mai multe persoane. Eu sunt mult mai bine decat scrie acolo :) Sau cel putin asa-mi place sa cred.

Andrei spunea...

First off, great article, I totally agree with you :D!
Chiar daca nu stiu cum e sa stai singur intr-o camera complet straine de care nu te leaga nicio amintire, i cerc sa ma pun in locultau si imi dau seama ca it SUCKS :P cat despre parinti, as much as they're bitching about ordinary things, you need them so much sometimes.. In cazul meu relatiile cu ai meu s-au cam rupt acum un an cand nah, au divortat dar nici inainte nu eram best friends, desi asta mi-am dorit mereu:P meh, trecem mai departe
Referitor la "regretata" moarte a acelei personalitati despre care nu stiu mai nimic, nu ma mira absolut deloc comportamentul romanului :P n-ar fi prima oara cand se intampla asta (asa cum ai spus si tu ); Fenomenul asta nu cred ca are vreo explicatie asa ca trebuie ignorat:P nu avem ce sa facem.. Meh :D
Sper sa nu te superi ca am scris pagina jurnal :))

Stephen G. spunea...

Hei, e un blog, it's supposed to be long-ish :))

Andrei spunea...

Well, that's the short version of what I think about what you said in the article :P Concluzionand, I get you perfectly ;-)

Stephen G. spunea...

Amen to that, my friend :)